Scally Lads Fetish Archive
About this Archive
Administrative/Biographical History
Largely comprising gay men, the scally fetish centres around a style and demeanour associated with a British working-class subculture known as chav or, in Northern England, scally. Originally, chavs and scallies were demonised, however, gay scally lads embrace the subculture in sexual encounters, placing onus on sportswear, tracksuits, sneakers and, in some cases, stereotypical chav behaviour.
Pornography dedicated to the fetish emerged in the early 2000s pioneered by Rudeboiz and Triga Films, and club nights, including Fitladz, cater to the scene. The community also uses Facebook groups and Instagram to connect, and the fetish finds its international counterparts across Europe: in Germany, proll, in France, kiffeur.

Still from Scally Lad Video Shoot (2011)
Scope and content
Research material gathered by Joseph Bobowicz for his research into Scally Lad Fetish whilst studying MA Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths University, including:
- transcriptions of research interviews with 'Scally Lads' conducted by Joseph Bobowicz (pseudonyms used) (72pp), 2021.
- dissertation, 'Scally lads: An investigation into the queer appropriation of working-class subculture' by Bobowicz, submitted for MA Cultural Studies at Goldsmith's University, with Appendix featuring imagery, (70pp), August 2021.
3 pdf files