The Black Collection
About this Archive
Administrative/Biographical History
The Black Collection was deposited by the heirs of a municipal employee in a small, conservative village in the Netherlands, who passed away about 20 years ago. An authentic bondage enthusiast, Mr Black not only collected actively during the 1970s and early 1980s, but he also amassed some highly collectable magazines, books dating from the 1950s and 1960s. He also kept extensive files of cuttings depicting bondage photography from magazines and publications, work by fetish artists and personal ads from magazines in the 1970s, along with a series of VHS recordings of bondage films produced by companies such as Jay Edwards Video, California Star and House of Milan. It was transferred to Bishopsgate Institute in 2022.

Scope and content
Extensive cuttings from bondage magazines and publications depicting female bondage, personal ads and work by fetish artists including Eric Stanton, Carlo, Bishop and others, and cuttings, c1960s-1980s; ring binders containing cuttings from bondage magazines, c1960s-1980s; files of catalogues, advertisements and correspondence with fetish magazine, book and video supply companies, including Nutrix, House of Milan and others, c1960s-1980s; c100 bondage films produced by companies such as Jay Edwards Video, House of Milan, California Star and others, 1970s-1990s.
c75 Boxes and digital material