Freethought and Humanism
Bishopsgate Institute’s Special Collections and Archives hold the most unique collection of archives and printed materials relating to the history of freethought and humanism in the country.
The collections include the archives and libraries of two of the Victorian era's most prominent thinkers on freethought and secularism: Charles Bradlaugh and George Jacob Holyoake.
The Special Collections and Archives also document the history, activities and campaigns of the movement from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Discover the extensive archives of Humanists UK, the Rationalist Association, the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Associationand others.
Thomas Paine Archive
Index (formerly Index on Censorship) Archive
Harry Stopes-Roe Archive
Tony Brierley Archive
Colin Barnsley Campbell Archive
Hampstead Humanist Society Archive
The Rationalist Association Archive
Values Education Council Archive
The Ethical Church Archive
Charles Bradlaugh Archive
Humanists UK Archive
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA)